Elizabeth Bauer
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Elizabeth Bauer
ChairElizabeth Bauer and her then very young family moved to Frederick County 28 years ago to live in a rural community and enjoy the virtues of the country where quality of life is in an integral part of day to day living. Today she and her husband live in the Middletown where Elizabeth was actively involved in the development of the Citizens for the Preservation of Middletown Valley and continues to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. She has also served as the President of the Board for the Western Maryland Branch of the Arthritis Foundation for several years. Professionally, Elizabeth is currently retired as a result of disability but worked in the capacity of Director of Human Resources for a government contractor for 30 years. The Bauer’s have two sons. Cameron is the eldest and lives in Glasgow, Scotland where he is a carpenter and his wife is studying Veterinary Medicine at the University of Glasgow. Their younger son Brendan is working toward his Master’s degree at the University of Baltimore.
Patrice Gallagher
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Patrice Gallagher
Vice ChairPatrice Gallagher moved to Frederick County from Washington, DC more than thirty years ago, bringing her graphic design business with her. She became involved in local issues not long after arriving, at first to address overcrowding at her children’s elementary school in Jefferson. She has continued her design business in downtown Frederick (Gallagher Design), contributing time and design skills to a variety of groups and causes including Friends of Frederick County, East Frederick Rising and Hope in South Africa. She is proud to be a founding member of WasteNot Frederick, and currently serves as the President of the Frederick Zero Waste Alliance.
Sam Kebede
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Sam Kebede
TreasurerSam Kebede is a political and environmental activist and lifelong Maryland resident. A graduate of Hood College in Frederick, he pursued and succeeded in getting a composting program started at the school. He also devoted much of his non-academic time to advancing the causes and campaigns of pro-science groups and political candidates. Since graduating he has continued to stay involved in their causes and is pleased to do even more with Envision Frederick County!
Carey Murphy
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Carey Murphy
SecretaryCarey grew up in Frederick County and has lived in Urbana for more than 20 years. She is a Master Naturalist and co-founder of Green Team Urbana, a volunteer group committed to increasing biodiversity and restoring the ecological health of heavily developed areas. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Lafayette College and a Master of Arts in Film and Video from American University. She also serves on her Homeowners Association’s Grounds and Physical Assets Committee, coordinates sustainability initiatives at her children’s school, and advocates for pedestrian safety.
Chris Izzo
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