The dinner will be on the evening of Thursday, December 8th, at the beautiful ThorpeWood lodge in the Catoctin Mountains.
Envision Frederick County was launched in 2011, with ambitious goals and a serious commitment to methodically building something that would make a difference and become a significant part of the fabric of our community…for the long term. After starting from scratch, Envision built a solid foundation, and a lot has happened since our last dinner to build on that foundation.
We’d like to invite you to be part of this evening, to support our work at the same time, and to hear more about what Envision Frederick County has planned!
We hope you will join us…and a lot of other great folks in our community who pay attention, get involved, and support our work!
Thank you very much for your interest in attending this event, and helping to support the mission and expanding work of Envision Frederick County. This is our second such fundraising event, and it comes in our sixth year since being established. With great speakers, in a fantastic venue, an outstanding caterer and a lot of great folks like you, we are looking forward to this event, and to your company.
As of this morning, we have sold as many tickets as we have seats and tables available on the main floor of the lodge. HOWEVER, there are two tables in the “loft” that are available as of Tuesday afternoon, at the discounted price of $50.00 (instead of $85.00).
Here is a view from the loft…
Aside from walking up the stairs, the only difference in your evening would be that you would not have a direct line of sight to the speakers…from your seat at the table.
The “Buy Now” button below has been altered to reflect this and the lower price.
• The full invitation is embedded below.
• This online transaction is administered through PayPal, but you do not need to use or have a PayPal account.
• You can purchase multiple tickets with one transaction. But, separately, we would like to receive the names of all attendees, if possible. So, if you purchase more than one ticket, please send the names of the other attendees to Kai at
• If you would prefer to purchase your ticket(s) by check, or you have any problems or questions, please email Kai at
• And, finally, if you can not attend the event, but would like to contribute to Envision Frederick County anyway, please go to this page, where you can contribute online or find out how to do so by mail. Thank you!