2022 Voting Information
On this page, voters can find out about important dates, how to make a plan to vote and where to find information about candidate positions and polling locations.
Important Dates
To Register to Vote/Make Changes
October 18: Deadline by 4 pm in person, 11:59 pm online
OR you can register in-person during early voting or at your designated polling place on election day (you must have proof of address)
Mail-in Ballots
November 1: Deadline to request a mail-in ballot to be delivered by mail or fax
November 4: Deadline to request a mail-in ballot to be delivered electronically
November 8: Deadline for mail-in ballot returned via USPS to be postmarked
November 8, 8 pm: Deadline to return mail-in ballot via a Drop Box
Vote Early
October 27 thru November 3 at 4 designated centers (7 am to 8 pm)
Courtesy pickup and drop-offs will be available on the 20 Connector to the Early Voting Center at Trinity Rec Center on request.
Election Day
November 8 (7 am to 8 pm)
Election day problems? contact 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
Board of Elections Frederick County
- Make a plan to vote: https://frederickcountymd.gov/7654/Make-a-plan-to-vote
- Voter registration: https://frederickcountymd.gov/1648/Voter-Registration—RegisterMake-Change
- Drop-box locations: https://frederickcountymd.gov/8233/Ballot-Drop-Boxes
- Early voting centers: https://frederickcountymd.gov/6810/Early-Voting
This page includes details about bus service to Trinity Recreation Center for early voting
Research the Candidates
- Enter your zip code on VOTE411.org/maryland to learn about candidates, districts, and polling locations (League of Women Voters)
- Frederick News Post Voters’ Guide: https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/continuing_coverage/election_coverage/2022_primary_voters_guide/
- Frederick County list of candidates and information https://www.elections.maryland.gov/elections/2022/general_candidates/gen_cand_lists_2022_2_by_county_11.html