One of Envision Frederick County’s core principles is to support transparent government and citizen advocacy for transparency.
In 2021, Frederick County released a first draft of the Sugarloaf Treasured Landscape Livable Frederick Management Plan. It was discovered that a portion of agricultural land that had been discussed during the years a stakeholders’ group formed the draft plan was removed from the draft released plan. Rumors circulated that the parcels eliminated might be proposed for development that was not envisioned by the stakeholder group, and that county officials had met in closed session about this and pledged not to discuss the circumstances.
Envision worked closely with citizens and groups such as the Sugarloaf Alliance in the region to determine whether this was true.
Here you can see several Public Information Act requests we filed and the responses we received.
Envision PIA Request 24 August 2021
Ford PIA response via email 9 2021
Envision PIA-NDA council 10 21
Envisio PIA Response Ford 10.27.2021_Final (1)
PIA Response to County 2-2022-FINAL (1)
Ford Response 3.1.2022 RE_ Envision Frederick County PIA Requests
Frederick News-Post Article about the situation