Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...
Envision Speaker Series: ALICE in Frederick County, with Malcolm Furgol
Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...
Connect with the Multi-faith Alliance of Climate Stewards of Frederick County
Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...
GREEN DRINKS! March 20: Vermicompost with Linda Norris
Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...
Blockbuster year for monarchs, but what lies ahead?
Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...
Good congestion, bad congestion
Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...
Maryland should stop subsidizing pollution from incinerators
Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...
Unsprawl: The Agricultural Reserve in Montgomery County, Maryland
Christina Pax lives in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Frederick County. She is a landscape designer who specializes in planting design with native...